Greater London| 07981195337 / 020 8461 1181 |
Full & term time only for ages 0- 5 day care nursery
funded 15 & 30 hrs spaces available
0208 461 1181 - 07891 195337
Policy Statement
The coronavirus is a hazard that will require the implementation of new risk control measures for the foreseeable future as the “new normal”. Our aim is to protect colleagues, children and parents in our setting and we want to be able to give as much confidence as we can by detailing our control measures to reduce the transition and spread of infection as low as reasonably practical to make it safe for children to attend and our colleagues to work in. We recognise that the control of COVID-19 is an occupational health and safety matter. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has stated that “the law requires all employers to assess the risk of working and put steps in place to manage that risk”. We want to give assurance that we have and will continue to keep abreast of published guidance from the government, Department for Education (DfE), The Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC), Public Health England (PHE), the NHS and World Health Organisation (WHO).
We have put in place measures, first and foremost to protect health and lives but that are realistic, honest, achievable in childcare and have been written with integrity. For us it’s important to work closely with our colleagues, parents and clients to ensure that we open our setting with the very best endeavour.
Our Duties
• Take reasonable steps to protect the health and safety of our colleagues
• Ensure colleagues are physically fit and mentally well to work.
• To continue to ensure the safety measures are effective and practiced by all colleagues
• Be prepared to act quickly to deal with colleagues who may have been exposed to the virus to help contain the virus as much as possible
• Ensure hygiene and infection control measures are revised to try and avoid any child or colleague entering a setting with ‘symptoms’ of Covid-19 in attempts to avoid transmission.
• Ensure we train all colleagues on safety measures and hygiene practices to reduce the spread of infection.
• Ensure we keep up to date with the latest government legislation regarding Coronavirus & self-isolation